New Insecticide Options for Ontario Ginseng Growers

The labels for two insecticides, Actara 25 WG and Dupont Coragen, have recently been expanded to include ginseng.

Actara 25 WG is now labelled for the control of aphids on select members of the root crop group, including ginseng. The active ingredient, thiamethoxam, was already registered on a number of fruit and vegetable crops and as a seed treatment on several cereal crops and legume crops in Canada. Actara is a Group 4 insecticide, Actara controls labelled insects by contact and ingestion, and should be applied before pest populations reach economically damaging levels. Actara can be applied at a rate of 105 g/ha in sufficient water to ensure adequate coverage (minimum 100 L water/ha). Thorough spray coverage is essential for good performance of this product. No more than 2 applications of this product are permitted per growing season, with at least 7 days between applications. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest of ginseng. There is a 12 hour re-entry interval. Consult the complete product label before using Actara 25 WG. We thank the personnel of Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc. for supporting and the Pest Management Regulatory Agency for approving this registration.

Dupont Coragen Insecticide (chlorantraniliprole) is now labelled for the control of various caterpillar pests, including cutworm, on ginseng and many other members of the root crop group. Coragen was already registered on a number of vegetable crops in Canada. Coragen is in a different insecticide group (Group 28) than the permethrin products (Group 3) currently registered on ginseng, providing a rotational option to help manage resistance. Coragen can be applied at a rate of 250 mL/ha for control of black cutworm and at a rate of 250-375 mL/ha for control of variegated cutworm in a minimum finished spray volume of 100 L/ha. For black cutworm control, Coragen should be applied when rain is not expected in the next 24 hours. Coragen should not be applied more than once every 3 days, and a maximum of 4 applications per season (or at total of 1.125 litres of Coragen/ha/season) are permitted. Coragen has a 12 hour restricted entry interval and a 1 day preharvest interval . We thank the personnel of Dupont Canada for supporting and the Pest Management Regulatory Agency for approving this registration.

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